Saturday, September 4, 2010

london calling!

okay this is a pretty boring post - but I am officially in London! Our hotel didn't have wifi for the past week so I havent been able to post pictures or anything but I will asap!


  1. i want to go to london, take me next time!

  2. Ahhhh so jealous.

    Why are you there in london? Are you going to school or interning or something like that?

    I added you on twitter. I'm stormsatsea. I want to hear all about your london adventures as I'm hoping to spend a summer abroad there one day soon! :)

  3. I'm here for school & interning! I'm only taking 3 classes and interning 2 1/2 days per week. I am really excited!

    I just added you back on twitter - I hope you get to spend a semester here!

  4. awesome! what are you going to school for? what/who are you interning for?

    Yeah I hope I get to as well. I'd love to say I lived in london even if it is only for a few months.

  5. My program is called "Bandier" (named after the man who funded it) but it's essentially a music business program.

    I'm interning at a publicity firm!
