Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Like I mentioned on Sunday's post, I got my hair permed this past weekend!
My hair is normally pretty dull and flat and all the products in the world can't get it to hold a style, much less a curl. I didn't want a full head of ringlets so I asked my hairdresser to do a body wave perm. I was a little worried for the last few days because my hair looked like I was stuck in 1980 but I think it just needed some time to relax.

And now finally I have curls that hold!
(I tweeted this earlier) but it really is funny how something as simple as changing your hair can make you happier, more confident, etc, etc.

Sorry for the cheesy myspace style pictures. Blame my blackberry.


  1. omg so cute! so will it stay like that for a long time? my hair is super super curly, thick, coarse, frizzy etc. etc. but it never looks good. the heat really irritates it, so when i blow dry it i look like i time traveled from 1970 with the afro i'm sporting. ha! but i'd loveee for it to look like yours! adorable!

  2. when I shower it gets seriously 1980 style and like yours, totally fros out when I dry it!

    So I'm trying dry shampoo and got it to look like this today but I'll have to curl it daily to get it to look like this =/

    I needed the perm more for the hold!

  3. Love your hair! How long do perms last?

  4. Thanks! =]

    She said it would last a long time, just depends how fast my hair grows!

    Basically the chemicals will always be in the hair, but obviously when it grows, there won't be any at the roots, etc. So whenever I get it trimmed, I'll be trimming out the perm.
