Friday, March 11, 2011

Follow Friday

I'm changing things up a little bit on this week's follow friday - I usually post a blogger that I've recently found and enjoy. This week, however, I'm posting a blogger that I've followed for forever and was even able to share many memories with in New York City... Kaelah! The gorgeous, fashionable Kaelah got engaged recently and I'm overflowing with joy for her =D

So if you don't already (but I'm sure many of you already do) make sure you check out her blog: Little Chief Honeybee and send many congrats her way!




  1. yay kaelahhh! i love her! so happy for her & mike :) i've been following her since her old LJ days! she's an awesome lady.

  2. aw i just now saw this! i'm so late but thank you! you are just the sweetest thing! missss youuuuuuu! hopefully our paths will cross again lady! i loved our adventures!

  3. i meant to tweet the link at you and must've forgotten!

    i so hope our paths cross asap! my little puggy needs to meet georgia & pip!
