Monday, November 15, 2010


I definitely woke up with a case of the Monday's but then I realized that I only have 4 Mondays left in London! It's strange thinking that this experience is narrowing down. It feels like yesterday I was just getting off the plane & searching for a flat to live in.

With only a few weeks left, I've hit the mood of wanting to buy souvenirs! In fact I even started writing out a list of presents I was getting for my family and myself. A few weeks ago I went into Starbucks and saw they had London holiday mugs! I should've gotten it when I saw it because when I went back today, they were all gone =[

Now that I started interning 3 days/week instead of 2, I was beginning to run out of lunch ideas until yesterday. I was seriously craving Chipotle so I decided I'd try to make my own version of a burrito bowl and bring it for lunch. Basically I started with a layer of rice (and by a layer I mean I made WAY too much and then couldn't finish half of it) and then layered on some shredded cheese, chicken with sweet chili sauce, spicy refried beans, and guacamole! I had planned on having some sweet corn on there too, but our can opener just doesn't work. All in all, it was yummy! My office doesn't have a microwave so I ate it cold, but it was still pretty good!

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