Anything and everything is so new & exciting to me!
After I wokeup, got dressed, etc this morning, my friend texted me and asked me to lunch.
Luckily he knows & understands how much of a city newbie I am and came near me instead of having me venturing to him (phew!)
He suggested we check out "shake shack" which is conveniently in madison square park (only about 3 blocks from me!)
I had never heard of it before but apparently it's really well known because we waited in line for almost 45 minutes to order! It's just burgers, hot dogs, fries, shakes, etc but it really was worth the wait.
On a whim we decided to go to the empire state building since neither of us had been there before and it was only a few blocks away.

He left after we were done being tourist-y and I went on a mini shopping spree!
I used hopstop to text some directions to myself but apparently I still couldn't figure them out.
It took me almost an hour to walk from the empire state building to the east village but I was determined to find buffalo exchange!
I got pretty bummed out that almost nothing fit me =[ but I guess I'm going to channel the disappointment into motivation to lose some more weight.
I did find a cute owl tank though! (and lord knows I love owls).
Because I can't go more then a day without being in a forever 21, I hiked to Union Square to see if that store was better than the herald square one and yes!
It was a ZOO. Legitimately a zoo but it was a lot bigger than the one I went to yesterday and I managed to find two lace tops and can I just say that I LOVE that there is no sales tax on clothes here? It's almost as if I still get my employee discount.
After walking what feels like 984732954353 miles, I am pooped.
That's funny about living 3 blocks from the shake shack and not knowing it. This city is so packed that it can take years just to try half of what's in your neighborhood. If you live near Madison square park check out for tips on restauarants, sample sales for clothes, free music and events. Like this weekend is an awesome BBQ festival in Madison square park where you can sample BBQ from restaurants from all over the country (ignore if you are vegetarian.) there is a calendar section of too. If you start to find neighborhood tips too, send them in and I will write them up. Welcome to NYC!