Another weekend means another fun Friday fieldtrip to recap!
I know I read some Canterbury Tales stories in high school, but of course I can't remember anything about them. Yesterday my roommates and I went to Canterbury where our school planned a tour through Canterbury Cathedral. Like some of the other Cathedrals we toured during previous weekends, it was overwhelming thinking about the 800+ years of history that has happened there.
We were able to spend a few hours in the actual town of Canterbury where we, of course, ate fish & chips!

After lunch, our group headed 40mins back towards London to Leeds Castle. I know it seems like I've seen a whole lot of castles, but each of them are so different! Leeds was actively used until the mid 1970's and was a lot different than Dover (from last weekend). Dover was definitely more of a castle used during wars and not really for royal family life. Leeds on the other hand, was set in the country-side, surrounded by water and full of endangered bird species! (I guess the royal family really loved birds?).

There was a pretty cool maze at Leeds Castle too! After navigating unsuccessfully, my friends and I split up into 2 teams and my team got so lost! Let's just say I have a bad sense of direction.

There aren't any fieldtrips next weekend because our "fall break" starts, which means my mom is coming! We have so many tourist-y things planned. I am so excited.