Tomorrow I leave for London! (And that means I will update this more often)
Because I'm completely OCD about being on time, my mom and I decided to drive to NYC today instead of driving down right before my flight tomorrow.
So of course, while here we just enjoyed some yummy chipotle and pinkberry!
I guess I've been away from the city too long & forgot how sketchy things can be -
while eating at chipotle, a homeless lady came over & asked if my mom would buy her food. We said we couldn't and she walked away to another girl's table before leaving. We didn't think anything of it until the girl came over and said the lady had stolen her phone while she was asking her to buy food! By the time she noticed, the lady had gotten away =[
Anyways, I'm going to rearrange my suitcases and watch a movie with my mom for the rest of the night!